Tips for Hosting a Successful Virtual Event

As COVID-19 continues to grip the country (and the world), many people are bringing their celebrations online with virtual baby showers, virtual bridal showers, and even virtual or live streamed weddings.

To be honest, it took a little time for me to come around to virtual celebrations… it can be awkward. But the more I have seen them done, and done well, the more impressed I have become. When you cannot get together due to distance, or a global pandemic, this is absolutely the way to go.

I love that these virtual celebrations allow people to connect during this time of distancing and isolation, and that friends and family from all over the world can attend and be a part of the festivities. These events allow some normalcy and joy during an otherwise difficult time.

Side note: I have close family and two adorable baby nephews living in Japan, so I have spent some time getting used to video chatting. I love being able to watch my nephews grow and play. Technology can be such a blessing!

After planning and attending several virtual events, I’ve compiled my best advice for making your next virtual event a success.

Plan Ahead

I would suggest having an outline for how you plan to spend the time. The more people in attendance, the more choreographed it should be. If you have a small group, chatting can occur fairly naturally. With a larger group, it becomes more difficult. You can’t see everyone on the screen at once, and more than one person talking can make it difficult to hear. Sometimes conversations amongst attendees can sidetrack the event or make other guests feel excluded. It is best to have a detailed plan with time allotted for interactive elements and conversation. You can reach out ahead of time to close family and friends to see who may want to say a few words.

Get Technical

Make sure you have a strong internet connection. Set up somewhere with good lighting and a clean background. Familiarize yourself with Zoom or whichever platform you plan to use. If you are using Zoom, know that they have a 40-minute time limit on free accounts. You may need to upgrade if your event is going to be longer than that. Practice! Test out features like ‘Mute All’ and ‘Spotlight Video’. ‘Mute All’ will silence all attendees and give the host the floor. This can be used for introductions and announcements. ‘Spotlight Video’ spotlights a chosen attendee’s screen for all participants to see. This can be used to highlight the guest of honor or someone who wanted to give a speech. And finally, allow extra time for attendees to join. Everyone has varying technical capabilities and familiarity with video chat. That buffer will allow more attendees to be present as you begin your event.

Bonus trick: Zoom has a feature called ‘Touch Up My Appearance’ that essentially puts a filter on you. Instructions to enable it are here. Selfie lights are also low cost and awesome. You. Are. Welcome.

Make it Fun and Interactive

Probably the best way to make a virtual event interactive is to share stories and play games. Both require some pre-planning. For example, you could ask everyone to come with a piece of parenting advice for the mom-to-be and have everyone take turns sharing. Or ask each bridesmaid to share the story of how they met the bride-to-be. Games are also a fun option. I found a few favorites that could be easily adapted for a virtual event: here, here, here, and here. Again, make sure games and activities are well planned to be executed virtually, so you can avoid any issues on the day of the event.

Accept Gifts Graciously

Personally, I don’t think that you have to open gifts at a virtual shower. You could forgo it completely or have the open gifts displayed in the background during the celebration. (DO make sure to thank everyone for their gifts and send individual thank you notes either way.) If you choose to open gifts, prep them ahead of time so that you can open and display them quickly.

Do What Works for YOU

Your options are unlimited! Have a big guest list? You could break it into several smaller groups of attendees that know each other and have several short sessions, one after another. Or keep the group large and offer time for breakout rooms, where guests can chat and catch up with their circles. With proper planning and preparation, whatever you choose will be a success! Just make sure it makes sense for you and the celebration you want to have. Don’t forget to enjoy yourself!

Need help planning and executing your virtual event? Reach out! I am here to help!